19 February 2008

Time to take the office back!

After returning to my journey to the motherland I realized that things at the office aren't the same as they used to be. I first noticed something was a miss when I was attacked by what appeared to be a gang of girls in a drunken rage. I escaped only by the help of my faithful compadre's, but I can't say the same for my former roommate Tom (Tom is never at the office any more so I can only assume that he has moved into the girl's dormitory after disowning his manhood). Latter that night I heard whispers of starting a revolt to take back the office. I tossed these aside thinking they were the ravings of a lunatic. But over the past few days I have seen the slow and painful degradation of the office. So now is the time to stand and save the office. It is time for a revolution! Not just a Ron Paul Revolution (Not that this revolution will in any way interfere with our on going efforts on that front). But it is time for an Office Revolution! We must move quick or before you know it we will be smitten with a horrible curse. Andrew will be getting pedicures and Abinadi will be going to Back Street Boy concerts if we don't act quick. So office employee's of the world UNITE!


Steph said...

Now, now, now...in Andrew's defense pedicures feel really good and Tom’s "manhood" well now, that was questionable in the first place. But seriously boys – what would Ron Paul say?

Andrew said...

Gavin, just cause you aren't getting any action doesn't mean you need to get jealous...

but you were correct about tom disowning his manhood.

Jesse said...

Are you implying that you are getting action, Andrew?

Andrew said...

I don't kiss and tell....

well, actually did....

Jesse said...

(high five)

Abinadi said...

High five from me too. You are the man, Andrew!

Bryant said...

thank you gavin for this post, for i am the "lunatic" that clued him into the fact that the office has slowly become a girl infested pansy factory, working its pansyification on the unsuspecting members of the office (all except gavin and myself of course). viva la resistance'!